German to English Translation Pitfalls II
(Financial and Business Texts)

Following on from the successful “Pitfalls 1” seminar in December 2017, leading translation training provider Camels has organized a second one-day seminar by Deborah Fry.

The 80/20 principle says that focusing on a subset of key issues can achieve a positive outcome in a much larger number of cases. Following on from the successful “Pitfalls 1” seminar in December 2017, leading translation training provider Camels has organized a second one-day seminar by Deborah Fry based on this principle. Core financial and business terms will be examined, and their meanings discussed using real-life examples. In addition, the seminar will look more generally at Germanisms and other gremlins in German-to-English translation and heighten awareness of “proper” English solutions. Group exercises will allow participants to test what they have learned, while the seminar materials offer a handy terminology resource and further reading.

Date: June 15, 2018

Location: Frankfurt