Planning and pricing

Help me to help you

Translation, editing, proofreading, and consulting are professional services that depend on organization and adequate resources. True, tight deadlines and surprise requests are a fact of life, and flexibility is crucial. Still, planning the plannable up front ensures the best possible quality and frees up time for the unexpected. Using the following information will help me to help you.

Advance notice

Please contact me as soon as you know you may need my services, even if no final decision has been made, a text hasn’t been drafted yet, or not all project details are clear. This allows me to reserve capacity for you while we continue planning.

Pricing and quotations

I price translations by the line or the hour, or use a mix of the two, as appropriate. Editing, revision, and proofreading work is generally priced by the hour, as are consulting projects. Fixed price quotations can also be provided in many cases. Please contact me if you would like an estimate or quotation for a project. Where possible, I also agree standard pricing arrangements with regular clients, saving time and effort on both sides.

Translation and editing inquiry checklist

Having the following information at your fingertips will help me get back to you as quickly as possible. Of course, not all answers may be available at the beginning of a project or be relevant for all jobs. Nevertheless, thinking about the checklist below will streamline the process for you.

Please let me know:

  • The subject of the text to be translated/edited
  • The language variant desired
  • The target audience and objectives
  • The planned volume/length (total number of characters, including spaces)
  • The desired delivery date
  • The file types involved and any preparatory work required
  • The current draft of the text, if possible
  • How elements such as graphics or tables should be dealt with
  • What change management and query handling procedures apply, and who my contacts are
  • Specific proofreading requirements and constraints for layout versions
  • Any past versions, reference materials, or other resources
  • Any other wishes