Pitfalls VI: New Terms for New Times

The sixth part of the poular Pitfalls seminar series focuses on terms for today’s rapidly changing world.

Deborah Fry’s successful “Pitfalls” series for into-English translators and editors, which is hosted by Camels, is based on the Pareto Principle. In the context of translation, this means that a small number of words and issues can cause a disproportionately large amount of grief. This new Pitfalls VI seminar focuses on terms that have arisen, gained in importance or attracted new meanings in today’s rapidly changing world. Subject areas covered include new business, political and technological developments, and the world of management and employment. Key terms ranging from “Achtsamkeit”, “Angriffskrieg” and “mobiles Arbeiten” through “Führung” (and “Unternehmensführung”) and “Gremien” down to “Potenzialträger” and the many different compounds with “Zukunft” will be examined, and their meaning and good English translations discussed, using real-life examples.

Date: October 5, 2023

Location: Vienna